Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let's talk about things

This post will be . . . difficult I think. And personal. Because I don't see my therapist again until next week and I need to get shit out. Air out some bones.

Friday through Monday (starting last week) were horrible days for me. I was irritable. I was depressed. I felt awful. I had feelings of despair and hopelessness. I broke down crying on Sunday. It felt like the old me. The depressed me.

The familiar me.

I did what I could to brush off the feelings. I minimized them. I ignored them. I tried to stay in the moment. I took it day by day, hoping the next day would be better. I didn't catastrophize, I didn't ruminate, I stopped negative thoughts and replaced them with positive ones.

And it worked somewhat.

On Sunday after crying I was able to joke a little - I could move past the despair. On Monday it was difficult. I was at work and I was down and withdrawn and irritable. I hid a lot. I avoided people (which didn't go unnoticed). But I got through the day despite how tired and drained I was.

Yesterday I was at the riding center most of the day. I mucked stalls in the morning which lifted my spirits. Now, I was withdrawn there - I usually talk with the other people there but yesterday I pretty much kept to myself. Interacting proved difficult. I was horribly drained from the previous four days, but I went back in the afternoon for the classes - which was probably a mistake - it took everything out of me.

But I pressed on and last night I was more light hearted and able to joke a bit.

So I'm taking things day by day. I have to - I have no choice. Day by day I have to be acutely aware of my feelings. Day by day I have to check in with myself to make sure I'm not swinging outside the realm of normalcy. And day by day this is exhausting.

It has to be done though. Because here's my problem:

I think I may be starting another mood episode. Possibly caused by the stress of being back at work. And that's not the only problem.

I like to self sabotage. We all know this, right? We all know that I have issues with being "normal", with being "okay". We all know that I'm used to being depressed. I don't know how to not be depressed.

And this is a HUGE problem. See, part of me is excited at the prospect of another mood episode, of going into a state of depression again. Part of me welcomes tis whole heartedly. It's like visiting a friend you haven't seen in a long time - where you pick up as if no time has past. It's like being home. It's familiar and comfortable and part of me longs to be there again.

I hate admitting this. I hate this part of me.

And I'm stamping it out. Or trying to. Which is harder than you think. I'm already dealing with looming depression (it truly is there) and to add to this . . . it's hard. It takes it out of me. I'm already drained and now I'm exhausting myself by fighting with myself.


This is what I'll be discussing in therapy next week. It troubles me and I want it to stop.

I want to stop having to check myself all the time. However, I think with this illness, that will never happen. Maybe it will lesson over time, but I think it will always be necessary.

And I say boo to that.

Monday, February 24, 2014

WTF, self?

No, seriously, what the fuck?

The past week has been pretty damn rough on me. Hell, the last few weeks. I'm steadily going down hill. Slowly, but steadily. It started with becoming more drained and overwhelmed - first at work, and then in general. Then I started to feel more down. Not depressed - just down.

And now? The past 4 days? Depression. Not too deep, not too bad, but it's there. That dirty motherfucker is there.

Stupid fucking Ted.

Friday at work was bad. I didn't know how I was going to make it through. Saturday was worse. The depression was more pressing. Sunday? Well, Sunday started off better but I slid, and I cried, and I felt despair and hopeless and scared.

And today. I'm at work right now. I'm writing because I need to. My mood today has been better than the last 3 - I feel more down today than depressed (thank God for small favors). But everything is overwhelming me and I can't bear to be around people. I've always been okay with patients but not today. Today interacting with patients is proving difficult.

I've been hiding from people. Coworkers. I just can't do it. A 2 minute conversation leaves me drained and down. I don't even want to talk with my best friend. I'm so drained that I almost don't want to go work with the horses tomorrow (now you know it's bad).

And here's the frustrating thing: I'm doing things right. I'm actually not catastrophizing this. I'm actually not ruminating on this. I talked with my best friend about it and I'm writing this. I talked with my hubby the past couple of days and that's it. I'm curbing negative self talk and countering it with positive. I'm not letting myself do all of the things I used to do in the past.

I'm doing everything right.

I don't want to jump to conclusions. I don't want to think that I'm starting another mood episode. Because I can't. I've decided to give this a week or two, see if it clears up. If not, then I'll make an appointment with Dr. C and I guess go on an antidepressant.

It's just that I hate this so much and I don't know what I should do. I need to vent but I can't ruminate or beat myself up over this. So I'll write this and I'll move on. I'm going to try and ignore this, downplay it. Not make much out of it. Maybe that will help.

Maybe I'm in denial.

At any rate, fuck you, Ted.  

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Therapy and other stuff

I have a feeling this post is going to turn out more stream-of-consciousness than anything else. And I'm fine with that. This shit's for me anyway.

I had therapy this morning and it was a great session. I talked a lot about work (which surprised M as it's a subject I usually steer clear of), my mood swings as of late, sexual dysfunction and whatnot.

There's a few things I'm trying to figure out right now. First and foremost, my recent mood swings. I had some days where I've been downright depressed, where I've had irrational anger and irritability, or, on rare instances, where I've had fleeting moments of hypomania. The hypomania lasts around 30-60 minutes and is punctuated by racing thoughts, rapid speech, and inappropriate speech. In between this I'm usually okay. Typically down and withdrawn, but okay.

I'm trying to figure out why I've had this spike in emotional lability. At first I was thinking hormones (I never know when my "menstrual cycle" would be as I have no uterus). But it's been roughly 2 weeks of this now, more markedly the last week. So I'm not so sure this is it.

My other theory is work. Namely, the added stress of being back at work. I've been back for 3 weeks now and it's exhausting. The stress and drain I feel with it might be causing the cycling (which stress can do for us bipolars). And this stress is something that, sadly, I can do nothing about. I can do relaxation exercises, take hot baths, drink tea, whatever, but that doesn't remove the problem.

Now, about work . . . people have noticed a change in me. Several have remarked about how "quiet" I've become. Or how "tired" I always look. And I am quiet. I am tired. At work I've become more withdrawn. I tend to do okay with patients, just not with coworkers. If a conversation lasts longer than a couple of minutes I start to shut down. I can't handle it - I simply get overwhelmed and can't cope. And I hate that feeling. And people notice. And comment. And wonder if I'm really okay.

Work drains me. By 2 or 3 I'm pretty much done. I'm in shut down mode. My processing slows, I become more withdrawn, I can't concentrate or focus or cope with problems. People notice this too. And ask if I'm okay. I don't want people to ask if I'm okay. I don't want people to notice.

I've been doing some reading in bipolar magazines and on forums and the fatigue with work and with stress of work causing symptoms is pretty common. So at least I know I'm not alone. I guess. Go me.

I wish I knew why work tires me so much. I wish I knew why I find it so overwhelming and difficult to cope with. I want to know the what, why, and how of it. Why does stress trigger mood episodes? Exactly what the hell is going on inside my brain?

I'll probably never know the answers to those questions.

And while I'm writing, let's talk about the whole "I don't know who I am" bullshit. I know who I am. On some fundamental level, I know who I am. I still have the same sense of humor, the same loves and other "same" shit. But I have changed. I'm different and I am having to find and reinvent myself.

I don't like the process.

I find that overall I'm more down. Overall I'm more irritable and easily annoyed. I'm hoping this goes away because I don't like myself for it. It takes everything I've got not to beat myself up over it, too (something I'm brilliant at doing). Hopefully with time it will subside. But in the meantime it's quite bothersome.

My sex life is also bothersome. Or lack there of, I should say. No desire, no arousal, no orgasm. I got nothing. I might as well be watching cacti grow. I know it's a direct result of the geodon but I can't go off it now - I'm too terrified of what would happen.

But I want to actually enjoy sex. I'd like to actually have a sex life. Typically, sexual dysfunction is a deal breaker. But, I'm going to give it time in hopes of my body "growing out of" this whole sexual dysfunction phase. I don't think time is going to make one difference but hey - what else can I do? I plan on talking with Dr. C in April about it (that'll give me about 3.5 months on the medication) and see what he thinks. Originally the antipsychotic was going to be a temporary thing - maybe it still can be.

I guess that's all. For now at least. I have a headache and it's hard to concentrate on a computer screen when your eyes want to jump out of your skull.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm tired.

It's a bit stupid how tired I am. I worked two days in a row. Wednesday and Thursday.

And I'm exhausted.

Wednesday was slow, not too much going on. I had patients on the floor and did one delivery. Thursday was busier and my coworker and I did 8 deliveries. Both days I was drained and at times it showed. Both days I was alternately okay and withdrawn. Talking to coworkers proved too much to handle at times. I was okay with patients, thank God for small favors.

But two days in a row is apparently too much for me. I used to be able to work two or even three days in a row without any issues whatsoever. But not now. Now it's too much.

This morning I went to the riding center to muck stalls and that was actually a stupid move. It exhausted me further. I was tired this morning, drained and groggy. But I had perked up a little after taking my son to school so I decided fuck it - why not? So I went. And I made it 2 hours, surprisingly. I don't know how I did because I was so tired I thought I'd pass out. I think I made it out of sheer stupid stubbornness.

Mucking stalls is therapeutic for me, which is why I went. But I kinda wish I hadn't. I still haven't recovered. I'm drained and tired and exhausted. But I can't fall asleep to take a nap. Which is dumb.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Existing and living are not the same

I'm having an existential crisis and it is not fun.

I don't know who I am anymore. I'm stable but that's it. I can say that I'm a wife, mother, RN, artist and a myriad of other things but I don't know who I am.

The last 2 years of my life have been chaos. I've been either hypomanic, depressed or mixed. I've had no reprieve. I've been in crisis mode for two years.

And now I'm stuck in this limbo of trying to figure out who I am, really. I don't remember who I was before this - I have no idea. I can't picture myself before the chaos started.

I'm not happy. I'm not depressed, but I'm not happy. Everything seems pointless and stupid and I don't know why I bother trying. It's like I have this hole in me that I can't fill. There are instances, moments where I feel joy. Being with the horses at the riding center is a huge one - I feel happy there, I feel content. Sometimes with my son and hubby I can feel happiness. These moments, however, are fleeting. I enjoy them when I can, but when they pass I'm empty again.

Part of me truly wants the chaos to return - because at least I know who I am during these times. I know how to act and what to do. It's familiar. Even though when in crisis all I wish for and want is for it to end, to find stability.

I hate how I feel right now. I hate who I am right now. Things still overwhelm me at times. Things exhaust me like they never used to.

I'm lost hopelessly down the rabbit hole and I don't know which way is up.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why am I so tired?

Seriously? My friend stopped by to hang out and chat for a little while and it was exhausting. I love hanging out with her. I love talking with her. She's my best friend. But after about 45 minutes I was ready for her to go. Not because I didn't want her company - but because I was getting exhausted. I felt overwhelmed just talking with her.

What. The actual. Fuck.

This is stupid. It's so damn stupid. Talking to a friend should not be exhausting.

But it was.

I really hate me right now.

Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm weird.

It's true. I'm weird. And I'm okay with that, really. Actually, it's a source of pride for me, a badge of honor.

Except for this weird. This weird is not what I'm proud of.

Here's what this weird is:

I've been pretty darn stable for a few weeks now. My moods have been more even, less extreme, more predictable. I'm starting to "feel like myself" again, whatever that is. And this is, quite frankly, boring me.

Being stable is boring.

What the fuck? Seriously? Yes. It's boring. There's a part of me that misses the raw emotion of my mood swings. The chaos, the crisis, the constant state of flux. There's a part of me that yearns for it and wants to sabotage my progress to bring this all back. To make me unstable again.

I hate this part of me. I want to crush it and hide it away. I want to cover it in denial and pretend it doesn't exist. But that does me no good. Hiding it and denying it will only make it stronger.

Instead, I'm accepting it. I'm acknowledging it. I'm talking about it and writing about it in hopes to understand it. Because I actually don't want to get sick again.

Today has been a pretty low day for me (in comparison to how I've been feeling the last few weeks). That weird, horrible part of me should be embracing this. Feeding it with lies to worsen the depression. And you know what I've found? I'm not letting that happen. I'm fighting it because I hate feeling like this. I don't want to be depressed again and so I'm fighting with everything I've got. And that leaves me exhausted, confused and feeling a little lost. I'm so used to spiraling that when I don't, I don't know what to do with myself. That weird part feels lost and empty.

It's very disconcerting to feel this way. To know that you truly want to be well, and that you deserve to be well, but feel empty and hollow when you do.

Hubby says it will take time for me to get used to feeling stable and I'm sure he's right. I've been in a constant state of crisis for over 2 years and it's all that I know anymore. I don't remember how I felt before all of this - I can't even fathom it.

Hopefully that emptiness will subside and I can truly just . . . be.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hey I'm at work!

No really - I'm totally at work right now.

And I'm bloody exhausted. I'm in disbelief at how drained I am right now. The morning was busy - very busy. I didn't get a chance to sit down and eat breakfast until 1:30 (meaning I ate my lunch instead). And it wore me out.

The sad thing is, 4 months ago that wouldn't have been a problem. It wouldn't have phased me one bit. I've been forgetting things all day. Lots of things. Printing face sheets, calling a physician, calling the NNP about a c-section, giving report, putting in orders . . . I charted things under the wrong time and had to go back and fix it. Luckily I've caught all these little errors and nothing was major. But the fact that this is happening . . .

It frustrates me to no end. To know that my level of functioning is so deteriorated so much from what it has been. From what it used to be . . .To know that I'm struggling more than I ever thought I would. It frustrates me and depresses me - and I'm trying desperately not to become depressed about this (and sadly, it would be easy to slip).

I've reread this post 3 times because there have been so many errors - missed letters, extra letters, words completely left out, words out of order. What the fuck is going on??? I shouldn't be having issues like this.

And yet I am.

To be healthy I should accept my new level of functioning and move on. But that's near impossible for me right now. Maybe someday I will - but I can't now. Not now. Maybe it's my pride. Maybe it's my high standards for myself. It's probably both. And maybe more.

All I know is that I'm tired and drained and frustrated and down.