Friday, February 17, 2012

I'd Like you to Meet Ted

My last meeting with my therapist went quite well. We were discussing what I'm doing to combat the depressive thoughts and feelings. I told M (let's just call him that, for reasons of privacy) that right now, I feel like the depression is always there - hiding just under the surface, waiting for a moment of weakness to rear his ugly head and take over. M stopped me and pointed something out - I was personifying my depression. Making it into its own entity. Interesting, he said, though not unusual. Most people do that. He said I had done everything but give it a name.
So I did just that.
I'd like you to meet my depression, Ted. Say hello, Ted.

Oh bollocks. I've made Ted a cute bastard, haven't I? Too bad he isn't all rainbows and sunshine. No, Ted, quite frankly, is an asshole.
I mean look at him? Stepping on that flower?

 Seriously, Ted. You're a jerk.
The funny thing is . . .now that I've given my depression a name, it's easier for me to joke about it. Easier to laugh about it. And easier to deal with it. Because now I can say "fuck you, Ted." And that feels good.
So, fuck you, Ted.
 Yes it was Ted. Yes it was.

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