Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How I'm Feeling

I'm back at that place of no feelings. Nothing. Flat. I try, but I fail. I keep feeling like I need to cry but I can't. I just . . . can't. There's not enough emotion behind it. There's just nothing.

And that's frustrating.

Honestly, this is just as bad as the raw depressive, suicidal, tidal wave of emotion. It's just bad in a different way.

Have I posted this before?

I might have. I'm not sure. 

But this. Seriously. This is so accurate to how I'm feeling. 

I keep thinking, well, I'm not cycling madly, so am I stable? Is this what stability looks like? This . . . nothing? If this is how I am stable I don't like it. I want to feel things. Other than irritability (I can still feel that). 

Maybe I'm expecting too much. Maybe expecting to have some semblance of "normal" feelings is asking too much. Maybe that's just not in the cards for me.

I hate this. I hate it so much. It's stupid and it's not fair. Existing and living are not the same. All I'm doing is existing right now. At least when I'm an emotional whirlwind there's some sense of living . . . Not now. Not at all. 

Fuck. Everything.

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