Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm writing again because I need to vent. My blood is boiling right now. My anger and irritability is skyrocketing and I feel like screaming and crying and putting my fist through something. I need to completely lose my shit.

People. People piss me the fuck off. A few people in particular. A few people who seem to think that if I change my diet and go outside more I'll be "cured" of bipolar disorder.

As if it's that simple.

Don't you think that I would have FUCKING DONE THAT ALREADY if it was that simple??????

You know what? No. I'd rather be bipolar. I'd rather put myself, my family, and my friends through FUCKING HELL rather than going gluten free.

Stupid. Fucking. Moron.

I've gone gluten free. I've cut out sugar. I cut out caffeine. I exercise, I meditate, I pray, I get outside, I play, I read positive quotes in the mornings, I give myself positive affirmations. I do all this shit and I'm not fucking cured.

Fuck gluten free. Gluten is fucking delicious and I eat it again. Fuck caffeine free. I fucking love coffee and I drink it in moderation. Fuck sugar free. Artificial sweeteners can be more harmful and everything in moderation is fucking okay.


What I'm feeling right now is not rational. I know this. But I can't fucking control it at the moment.

And that's why I'm writing.

So I don't fracture my knuckle again.

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