Thursday, April 19, 2012


I got up way too early this morning. 4am, to be exact. I've read, I've farted around on the internet, and now I'm writing. I had my appointments with M and Dr. C yesterday and both went well. I always look forward to therapy - it's such a release for me and I leave feeling better than when I arrived.
One thing that's disconcerting is the number of meds I'm on. In my last post, I brought up the weight gain. Thank you Lithium. To counteract that, we're starting me on Lamictal, and will be lowering the dose of Lithium I'm on to lessen the weight gain effects. Also, I'm still on the Abilify and Lexapro. FOUR meds for my stupid bipolar. Thankfully, I should be off of the Lexapro in 1-2 months and I may be off the Abilify in 1-2 weeks. We'll see. But probably still on both the Lamictal and Lithium. How annoying. Well, what can you do?
A coworker gave me something interesting the other day. A study on macronutrients. Basically taking high doses of vitamins and minerals to get off medications. She has depression and was on Zoloft and started this regime of supplements and powders and was able to stop her zoloft. Now, I'm all for natural stuff, but at $90 a month and around 32 capsules a day . . .how is that any different? Plus, I don't think mega vitamins will help someone with bipolar. I want studies, not testimony. People will give you whatever testimony you want if you pay them. I think it's a bunch a bunk.
Anyway. I'm rambling. This post is just scattered ramblings of someone who's been up for an hour and a half and who now needs to get ready for work. And make a nice pot of decaff coffee.
Over the next week or two I'll be chronicling my mental fog to see if the lowered dose of Abilify is working or I need to stop it. I'll try and write more often so I can hopefully see if there is a difference in how I'm feeling. I'm actually hoping to get off of it. we'll see. If the fog clears, I guess I'll stay on it.

1 comment:

  1. i love you my super amazingly wonderful friend and artist!
