Monday, December 24, 2012

A quick update for now

Just popping in for a quick update - I'll be writing a lot more later, I've been a bit down, withdrawn and irritable the past few days so I'll go over that, along with my visit with Dr. C today (yes, on Christmas eve). Sorting things out in my mind and confused about some, I guess.

Also? I got to spend 4 hours in the ER on Sunday morning with vertigo. Never had it? DON'T. It sucks. It started with sudden onset of dizziness which quickly turned to having the room spin and spin and spin. Nausea followed. I started hyperventilating, mainly because I was scared and had no idea what was going on. J drove me to the hospital. On the way there I became more nauseous, my thinking slowed and I started getting confused. Tremors started half the way there and got worse and worse. When we got to the hospital (my hospital), I couldn't even stand. I also almost couldn't give them my name I was so confused. I got IV fluids, Antivert (mescaline) for dizziness, phenergan (for nausea), and Ativan to help calm me down. It knocked me out. But helped with the room spinning, etc. I slept at home for 3 hours after we left.

And delightfully I had another episode today. The ER doc said it could last on and off for 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks. I'm hoping for days. It's not fun.

Anyway, more later. Have a delightful Christmas :)

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