Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some shit . . .

So. The hypomania thing. Getting old. Hear that Clancy? Fucking stop it. (Clancy is my brain btw, for those that don't know). It's getting bad at times. Bad.

For example, over the weekend I was at work and charge nurse. Saturday I was mostly just hyper and joking around. All fine and good. Sunday . . .yeah. Sunday was not good. I was hyper again, sure, and it escalated from there. I told one of the physicians to drop his pants so I could spank him. I said this in front of other nurses. Loudly. Who. The fuck. Does that? And I continued on. More inappropriate things were said. My only saving grace was that I had already been joking around with the labor nurses (who were around me) and that I BS with this particular physician all the time. Otherwise? This could have been bad. Very bad.

But that's not all. After that I skipped through the hallways on labor and delivery and post partum. Skipped. I was skipping y'all. All over the fucking place. Then, at the front desk on post partum I was joking with the CNA. A social worker who I've known for years came around, showing a new social worker our area. I was eating a granola bar. Half of it fell off and onto the floor. God fucking dammit!! That's what I yelled. Yelled. The social worker laughed and said "I can't believe you just yelled that!" Me? "I don't fucking believe it either!" Then I started laughing. Uncontrollably. I collapsed to the floor I was laughing so hard. I couldn't talk. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stop.

Everyone watch the train wreck. I crawled to the hallway behind the front desk where my locker is. All I had was a Xanax. I hadn't put any Risperdal in my purse - I didn't think I would ever need one. So all I had was Xanax. I took it sublingually and went into my office. I sat, breathing deeply, trying to center myself, calm myself, get myself back in control. It was hard. And I was scared. My behavior was so erratic, so inappropriate . . . it was not good. The last thing I need to do is get in trouble at work.

And then today. I had therapy today. Yesterday and today I had been feeling pretty blah, flat and subdued. Cranky and irritable as hell, but otherwise subdued. I chalked it up to having a bit of a cold. So I'm talking to M, telling him about how I feel detached from my mom. Whatever. I start telling him about the weekend and the hypomania. And I start escalating. I start getting manic. Distractable. I'm talking and wait is there a guy yelling outside? Where's that van going? Look it's still raining. Oh my nose itches. What was I saying? Oh yeah <rapid vomiting of words with wild hand movements> And I tried to reel it in, I did. I tried to stop, I did. And I was having a hard time. I laughed hysterically at nothing. Nothing at all. I couldn't stop.

I finally lowered my head, near tears, because I didn't know what to do. M helped me focus, helped me breathe. I focused on Chance (my therapy horse). It helped. Greatly. Chance will be my anchor. My family is my anchor for the depression, Chance for the mania.

This is . . .too much. After the mania comes almost crippling exhaustion. And irritability. And a feeling of fear and depression and hopelessness and despair. But the exhaustion. Holy fuck. Complete and utter physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. I want to cry and pass out. And then I get pissed. And even more tired. And then comes the mania again.

This happens numerous times a day. Rapid cycling is a bitch. This is not fun. I've gotten good a being mindful and managing the depressive symptoms, but this is a whole other animal. It's harder. Partly because when I'm manic I feel good. And I've felt shitty for so fucking long that I really want - really deserve - to feel good. And so it's harder to manage it before it gets out of control.

And there's other things. I have the Ridperdal (which I have some in my purse now, lest I have another day like Sunday). But I thought about taking it all, just to see what would happen. What the fuck do I think would happen??? I would die!! The fuck?! But that thought was there and it was tempting. Easily managed and controlled, but it was there.

Some old thoughts and habits are trying to creep back in as well. Patterns of thinking. In my current state of rapid cycling I find that it's much more difficult to combat this. Ugh. There's crap happening at work that is a bit shady and unfortunate and I'm trying desperately to react appropriately and not overreact. It's difficult. If I get worked up and upset over it . . . well, that leads to the hyper-irritability and hypomania.

Fuck this shit.

Oh, and I cuss more when I'm like this. That might be obvious.

Alright. That's all I can muster up right now. I'm exhausted yet wide awake. Joy.

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