Friday, January 11, 2013

Fun with your Psychiatrist

Actual email I just sent my psychiatrist:

"Hey Dr. C, I figured I'd give you a quick update on how I've been doing since our last meeting on christmas eve. I've had a couple of low days - pretty darn low. One I had very strong suicidal ideation, bordering on suicidal. But it passed, and the next day I took a nuvigil and pressed on. Most days I'm doing pretty good - sometimes blah and disinterested - but still pretty good. I'll keep pluggin' along and take it day by day.
I have my latest lab results back - thyroid and lamictal levels. My thyroid: TSH 0.52 (ref. range 0.36-3.74), free T4 0.88 (ref. range 0.76-1.46), T3 total 203 (ref. range 70-190). My lamictal level is 4.5 (ref. range 3-14). I think having my T3 levels higher has helped with the depression, hopefully :)
Also, when I saw M this week, I told him a fun little nugget of information he said I should share with you, just so we're all on the same page. I've been having some auditory hallucinations, which is awesome. And by awesome I mean somewhat annoying and slightly terrifying. Most are pretty benign - claps and whirs and tapping and metal on metal grinding sounds. Some . . .not so much. I was coming home from the gym and went to unlock the garage door and I heard someone on the other side of the door unlocking it for me. No one was home. At work on Wednesday I heard a little girl singing on two separate occasions. No one else could hear her. That one freaked me out a bit because it was crystal clear.

Okay wait. Did you hear that? Please tell me you heard that. Please. I'm serious. Can you hear that laughter?? Okay, this is getting to be too much.

That was a joke, by the way. Because I'm awesome and funny like that. You're welcome.

And I actually am having the auditory hallucinations. That part wasn't a joke. Only the joke part was a joke. I'll shut up now.

I'll keep you updated if anything changes, otherwise I'll see you in February at my next appointment.

Thank you!"
That was fun. I'm curious what his response will be . . .

Also? Why the hell does my font color/type/whatever randomly change? Seriously. I've tried changing it 4 times.

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