Monday, January 21, 2013

Things to come

I'm working on a long post about suicide. Not all of it will be posted on here - it's for my book, but you'll get an excerpt. I'm doing some research on it and have found out some interesting things - especially when it comes to me asking people of their opinions. You'll see.

Mood wise, I've been a bit of a mess. I've taken Nuvigil (a temporary "upper") every day, and still I'm having problems with depression and emptiness. I've had some extreme suicidal thoughts and was scarily suicidal on Friday - to the point where I took pills (xanax, ativan, and klonopin). Not enough to kill myself (obviously), but enough to render me unconscious for around 12 hours. An escape. Just an escape.

I'm downplaying that. Probably too much as it was serious (I had a hard time not taking more), but what can I do, really? Nothing. Let's be honest - people don't want to hear about it. So I'll downplay and ignore it.

So there we go! Short and sweet tonight, as I'm in desperate need of ice cream. Double fudge brownie, if I remember correctly.

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